Help Get "Bible Stories for Kids" into Their Hearts!

Right now in America there is a battle for truth and righteousness. Every country is always only one generation from paganism and darkness. Each generation should learn the gospel of Jesus Christ, and should teach the Word of God.


On October 10, 2017 God used this most heartbreaking statement: “her children are gone” (Lamentations 1:5) to motivate me to escalate our ministry efforts to reach children with the gospel and the truth of the Word of God!


I became a Christian when I was 8 years old. Thank God the church reached me with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and taught me the great truths of the Bible! Now we are trying to help reach children with BIBLE STORIES FOR KIDS!


We are in process of distributing 22,000 CD's, but there are 51 million school children in the government (public) schools that never attend church. That’s 92% of public school children. They are not being taught the Bible. I have an intense burden to get God’s truth to them.


We have teams that can distribute the BIBLE STORIES CD'S to unchurched children and bus kids! Now we need funding.


There are 200 Bus ministries that are ready to distribute to all their children if we can raise the finances. (Of course many of those workers are willing to help with the funding, but many can't give.)


Would you like to donate? If so, please click the donate button below. 


If God directs you to give a large donation, please email me directly at:



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